The cleanse series is probably the shortest step but it is the hardest. What do we do after we have completely cleansed our life? We have a new lifestyle palette to start anew. The transformation from cleanse to connection is only the beginning. Once you have learned to control your social media intake, enjoy new habits, balance friendships, and declutter your life. It's an amazing feeling that you want to keep which a lot of people tend to give up at this point because they feel it's too exhausting to keep their new balanced lifestyle. This is why a lot of people jump back and forth from a balanced lifestyle to a chaotic lifestyle, because they don't continue their journey. Connecting with yourself, learning what you really want in life, and learning things about yourself you never wanted to know is the next step to keeping your new sense of peace.
In this next series called Connection we are going to go over your flaws, insecurities, love languages and learn to be more self-sufficient. We're going to dig deep into ourselves and learn which things we want to accept about ourselves and which things we actually want to work on.
Please remember we do not strive for perfection we search for balance so don't beat yourself up. Everyone's lifestyle is different so people will get to this point at different times. Trying is always better than doing nothing at all.
Be sure to come back to continue the next steps to Cleanse-Connect-Conquer your life.
Also, I just added some new items to my Lifestyle Lux Bouti so don’t forget to take a peek.